Obaatanpa Radio Online

NDC suspends Stephen Atubiga

The internal wrangling of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) seems not to be ending anytime soon as a leading member of the party has been added to Mr Koku Anyidoho and a couple of NDC executives on a suspension list.

Mr. Stephen Atubiga, a leading member of the NDC is the latest to be handed a suspension letter by the largest opposition party.

Communicating his offences leading to his suspension in a letter dated 23rd March, 2021 and signed by the party’s general secretary, Mr. Johnson Asiedu Nketiah, Mr. Atubiga failed to apologize to professor Joshua Alabi after some remarks he made against the former UPS Rector even though he had agreed at a meeting to issue an unqualified apology.

“You would recall that FEC summoned you to a meeting in respect of a news item attributed to you and published on Ghanaweb on Saturday, 13th February 2021 captioned, “Only Useless Politicians Retire Poor”.

“In the said publication, you made disparaging and unfounded comments about key senior Party members, including Hon. Joshua Alabi. At the end of a lengthy discussion on this and related issues with you, you admitted publishing the said news items, recanted amidst profuse apologies never to do or say anything that would bring the good name of the Party into disrepute, attesting to same in your letter dated 26th February 2021″

The letter continued that Mr Atubiga again failed to retract the said disparaging comments about the 2020 campaign manager of the NDC on his Facebook page, and also to apologize personally to Prof. Joshua Alabi, and refrain from making further defamatory comments about the Professor.

“You also agreed to write officially on your Facebook wall retracting your earlier writings and to write officially to Hon. Joshua Alabi apologizing personally to him and to refrain from such defamatory comments in the future. However, recent publications on social media attributed to you on March 8, March 12, and March 14 among others, denigrating the Party and individuals in the Party indicate that you are not only in breach of your own promise and hence not reliable but you are further denting the image of the party contrary to article 47 (1) (a, b) of the party’s constitution”, parts of the letter read.

Meanwhile, Mr. Atubiga has reacted to his suspension from the party. Taking his Facebook page, the suspended former communication member wrote:

“I have been reliably informed of my suspension from the NDC party . The truth shall always set the record straight at the right time.
Every man must always stand by the truth. Even if the truth would take your life. So shall your conviction of the truth will always set you free.
the NDC stands for probity and accountability, so shall members or a member of the party have the right to demand that from elected leadership or the party structure.
We vote and elect leadership of the NDC party for many good reasons . Examples are To up hold powers of the party in protection of the party, to give the party victory at all cost . and to protect the discipline in the party .
. The leadership of any political party, is always accountable to the members of the party.
Until I receive the official letter of suspension tomorrow hopefully. And To get to know reasons for my suspension. Nothing more to say than the love for my NDC party.”
The NDC has also expelled the former Central Regional Chairman, Allotey Jacobs for indiscipline and anti-party activities.

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