Obaatanpa Radio Online

“NDC went to IMF because of mismanagement; NPP is going because of a pandemic” – Afenyo Markin

Afenyo Markin

Alexander Afenyo-Markin, MP for Effutu, said the present government requesting IMF support is different from the last NDC administration.

He stated the NDC went to the IMF for mismanagement.

Dr. Owusu Afriyie Akoto was addressing questions in the House when the Minority insulted the administration with IMF.

“This frank choice by the administration via the Minister of Information is as if they don’t know about IMF. You went to IMF when you weren’t facing an international crisis due of mismanagement. Why are we going to IMF now? –

“Mr. Speaker, there was no worldwide crisis while they were in office, but they went to IMF.”

As a reminder, President Akufo Addo has told the finance minister to seek an IMF bailout today.

According to a statement by Information Minister Kojo Oppong Nkrumah, President Akufo-Addo called IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva to communicate Ghana’s resolve to interact with the Fund.

The involvement with the IMF is part of a bigger effort to help Ghana recover from the Covid-19 epidemic and the Russia-Ukraine crisis, according to the president.

This is the second time Ghana is seeking support from the Bretton Wood institution in seven years after the country engaged them in 2015 under the erstwhile John Dramani Mahama’s government.

Meanwhile, in February 2022, the Finance Minister, Ken Ofori Atta, said Ghana will not return to the IMF for a bailout despite the mounting economic challenges.

According to him, Ghana is a nation of pride and will seek solutions to the current financial challenges it is facing within.

“I can say we are not going to the IMF. Whatever we do, we are not. Consequences are dire, we are a proud nation, we have the resources, we have the capacity. We are not people of short sight, but we have to move on.

“So let’s think of who we are as a strong proud people, the shining star of Africa, and we have the capacity to do whatever we want to do if we speak one language and ensure that we share the burden in the issues ahead,” Mr Ofori-Atta told a gathering at the E-Levy town hall meeting in the Northern Regional Capital of Tamale.


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