Obaatanpa Radio Online

NPP activist disproves Ken Agyapong’s ‘Akufo-Addo appointing northerners’ claim

Kennedy Agyapong

A New Patriotic Party (NPP) activist, Krobea Kwabena Asante has presented evidence to dispute a recent claim that northerners were getting preferential treatment in terms of presidential appointments.

Flagbearer aspirant Kennedy Agyapong stated in a viral video on his campaign round in the Western Region stating that the Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo government angered him with the appointment of people of northern extraction to influential positions in his administration.

He disclosed that he does not know if Northerners in the party are the only people who vote for the New Patriotic Party (NPP) to be elevated to such enviable positions.

Krobea Asante via a Facebook post gave a breakdown of all ministerial positions under the government since 2021.

“I just did my analysis of ministerial appointments from 2021- to date and the data shows that the argument of Hon Ken is not accurate,” his post read in part.

“Again, the phraseology “North” is very problematic in its usage. The 5 regions are different and so when making analysis it should be region specific. Can it also be said that when analysising appointments from the South we should add all the 11 regions we know for our computation?” he added.

What Ken Agyapong said:

Kennedy Agyapong was speaking in the Western Region when he made this known charging members of the party in the area to also crave to enjoy the spoils of the NPP they have also labored for.

“We were here in the Western Region when they appointed the Vice President from the North, Interior Minister from the North, Defence Minister, Sports Minister, Lands Minister, Tourism Minister from the North. Why? Are they the only ones who vote?

He continued “If they want to be tribal, we will also be tribal. The party does not belong to them. They have used the Central and Western for years and after they have made it, they want to treat us as their slaves. We are not animals, we are human beings.”

Read Krobea’s full post below:

I have just watched a video where Hon. Kennedy Agyapong posited that ministerial positions have been given to “Northeners” and mentioned some names and asked the delegates in Western region why not Western and Central.

So I just did my analysis of ministerial appointments from 2021- to date and the data shows that the argument of Hon Ken is not accurate.

Again, the phraseology “North” is very problematic in its usage. The 5 regions are different and so when making analysis it should be region specific. Can it also be said that when analysising appointments from the South we should add all the 11 regions we know for our computation?

The data below shows that the so-called “North” has not benefited from ministerial appointments more than the so-called “South”.

Again, it is also not accurate that Western and Central are not represented adequately.

Kindly read this composition.

*NB*. The only name I struggled to give a region was Hon.Herbert Krappa because I didn’t know where to place him but I placed him under Oti region but the rest are accurate. Facts are sacred.

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