Obaatanpa Radio Online

NPP Youth Wing Appeals To Ejura Youth To Calm Down and Support Prez Akufo-Addo’s Directive For Public Inquiry

NPP National Youth Organiser

The New Patriotic Party National Youth Organiser, Mr Henry Nana Boakye said, the National Youth Wing of the Party has learned with profound concern reports of the alleged murder of Ibrahim Mohammed popularly known as Kaaka and the unfortunate death of two protesters in Ejura in the Ashanti Region and they condemn in no uncertain terms the alleged mob attack that led to the untimely death of Kaaka as well as the use of disproportionate force by the joint security force against the rampaging youth in Ejura.

A Press Statement signed by the National Youth Organiser indicated that the Youth Wing sincerely sympathize with the families of the deceased and pray that the good Lord comfort and strengthen them in the difficult times they find themselves.

He echoed that as agonizing and regrettable as the death of these three individuals is, the Youth wing, in all humility, appeals to the youth in Ejura to calm down in order not to tread a path that will engender peace, love and unity of the people.

“As Youth, we hold the key to the future of our great nation and we cannot jeopardize this great task by resorting to instant retaliation and violence which threatens the peaceful coexistence in our country”, he said.

Below is the full Press Release


The National Youth Wing of the New Patriotic Party has learned with profound concern reports of the alleged murder of Ibrahim Mohammed aka Kaaka and the unfortunate death of two protesters in Ejura in the Ashanti Region.

At the outset, we condemn in no uncertain terms the alleged mob attack that led to the untimely death of Kaaka and also the use of disproportionate force by the joint security force against the rampaging youth in Ejura.

We sincerely sympathize with the families of the deceased and pray that the good Lord comfort and strengthen them in the difficult times they find themselves.

As agonizing and regrettable as the death of these three individuals are, the Youth wing, in all humility, appeals to the youth in Ejura to calm down and tread a path that engenders peace, love and unity to honour the memories of the dead.

As Youth, we hold the key to the future of our great nation and we cannot jeopardise this great task by resorting to instant retaliation and violence which threatens the peaceful coexistence in our country.

We welcome and support the directive from H.E. Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo to the Minister of Interior, Hon. Ambrose Dery, MP, to immediately conduct Public Inquiry into the circumstances that led to the unfortunate occurrences on Tuesday, 29th June 2021.

Again, we add on to the numerous calls on the Police to expedite investigations into the unfortunate death of Kaaka and serve justice to him and the bereaved family by bringing the perpetrators to book.

That said, It is deeply worrying that the opposition NDC seeks to use these very unfortunate and tragic occurrences as an opportunity to undermine the peace and progress we have collectively attained in almost 30 years of our democracy, admired and spoken about in the Sub-Region.

As citizens of Ghana and as Youth, it is our duty to denounce and condemn such statements which rather weakens our strength as a nation in fighting atrocious acts.

We must take up the call for social justice in an appropriate manner that ensures that all are protected and we contribute in the collective effort to support the peace process.

Once again, we solemnly commiserate with the families, friends and loved ones of the deceased and wish the injured a speedy recovery.

Thank you


Henry Nana Boakye
(National Youth Organizer, NPP)

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