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‘Obaapa Christy deserves all the attacks; she opened up Pastor Love’s old wounds’ – Maa Linda

Obaapa Christy

In light of the recent social media controversy involving gospel singer Obaapa Christy and her ex-husband, Pastor Love, where many are condemning the Pastor’s attacks on his ex-wife, US-based Ghanaian socialite Maa Linda has taken a different stance.

Maa Linda has expressed support for Pastor Love, arguing that his response to Obaapa Christy’s remarks is absolutely justified.

She believes that Obaapa Christy’s claim in an interview that Pastor Love is an illiterate with no knowledge of songwriting, and that he did not write any of her songs, was provocative and unwarranted.

According to Maa Linda, Obaapa Christy’s comments triggered Pastor Love’s reaction.

She pointed out that Pastor Love had been minding his business before these statements prompted him to respond.

Maa Linda also recalled a previous accusation from Obaapa Christy, alleging that Pastor Love was involved in black magic (juju) used to harm people.

She suggested that Pastor Love’s recent attacks stem from years of hurt and resentment, coupled by the unfair treatment he received when Obaapa Christy married another man after traveling abroad to give birth.

“Discussing Pastor Love in the interview was unnecessary. You provoked him. You reopened old wounds and you know he will never forgive you for what you did. You went abroad to give birth and ended up marrying someone else. You have also since prevented him from seeing his children. Do you really think he would forgive you? He is deeply pained,” she stated during a TikTok live session.

She added, “You accused him of being an illiterate who couldn’t write songs for you and mocked him in that interview. Did you really think he would take that lightly? You were mocking him!”

Maa Linda believes Obaapa Christy should have avoided answering questions about Pastor Love in that interview.

“You could have chosen to remain silent when you were asked about him. Instead, you pretended that everything was fine between you two. Not all marriages end with the couple remaining friends. You deserve this,” she remarked.

Pastor Love’s attacks

Following Obaapa Christy’s claim that he wrote none of her hit songs, Pastor Love retaliated strongly on social media.

In a viral video, he lashed out at Obaapa Christy, raising damning allegations insults, and curses at her.

Obaapa Christy’s response

In a social media post, Obaapa Christy firmly denied the curses and allegations made against her. She described them as lies and part of a demonic plot aimed at destroying her.

Pastor Love’s apology

Pastor Love issued an apology to those who were hurt and disappointed by his recent outbursts against Obaapa Christy on social media.

He specifically apologised to the pastors he accused of being involved with his ex-wife, and to Ghanaians as a whole.

Source: www.ghanaweb.com

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