Obaatanpa Radio Online

Omanhene of Mankesim loses son ‘attacked’ by unknown assailants, police open probe

The Bogoso Police Command in the Prestea Huni Valley Municipality is investigating circumstances that led to the death of Ebenezer Joojo Hagan, a son of the Omanahene of the Mankesim Traditional Area, Osagyefoe Amanfo Edu VI

Joojo Hagan, 31, who works at Bogoso Golden Hotel Ltd as the Manager of Stores and Purchases is said to have left the hotel on Thursday 1st September, 2022 to Tarkwa unannounced.

Family members lodged a complaint with the Bogoso Police Command early Saturday morning about the disappearance of Joojo Hagan.

According to a colleague worker, Johnson Ofori Amanfo, who spoke to Ghanaweb in an interview, they received a distress call through the hotel’s phone on Saturday morning with Joojo Hagan disclosing that he was lying helpless between Ahwestieso and Wassa Agona in the Tarkwa Nsuaem Muninicipality and needed them to pick him to the hospital.

He said: “we quickly mobilized to the scene in less than an hour only to see him lying helpless and groaning, with face swollen and all his clothes dirty. We picked him to the Premiere Specialist Hospital in Tarkwa for treatment but he later died at about 7:20pm on Saturday.”

Mr Ofori Amanfo said when Joojo Hagan started regaining strength after some infusions and treatment, “he explained to us that he alighted at New Atuabo in Tarkwa from Bogoso. He took another taxi by the roadside to IGS Financial Service, but unfortunately could not see or remember anything after boarding the taxi till Friday night when he found himself in an unknown bush.”

He struggled to find his way out but could not, until Saturday morning when he was able to get to the roadside.

He saw a yoghurt seller on his bicycle to Wassa Agona where he was able to catch his attention and drew the yoghurt seller’s attention that he needed to make a call to his family.

The yoghurt seller who was initially afraid but mustered the courage, got closer to him and dialed the number of the hotel.”

The perpetrators – believed to have attacked the deceased – took GHC3200.00 and a mobile phone from Joojo Hagan.

Speaking in an interview, father of the deceased, Osagyefo Amanfo Edu VI expressed his worry about the unfortunate incident.

He noted that even though his son was a calm person, he is fond of going out to places without informing close relations, and in this instance, his own colleagues at work and wife were not aware of his movement to Tarkwa.

Osagyefo used the opportunity to advise everyone to inform their closest acquaintances about their whereabouts.

He also urged the people of Tarkwa to be more vigilant anytime they are boarding taxis and even try and pick the car number or the embossment number on the car so that in case of any unforeseen circumstance you can get timely assistance.

The body of the deceased has been deposited at the VIP Morgue at Bogoso awaiting autopsy.

The family have also informed the Bogoso Police Command of the incident and the authorities have begun an investigation into matter.

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