Obaatanpa Radio Online


As Oriens Complex School celebrates 10 years of Holistic Education, the Headmaster of the School, Mr. MacLaine Kweku Mensah has advised parents to desist from the unnecessary spending on funerals but rather use their money to invest in their child’s education.

According to Mr. MacLaine, most parents claim they do not have money to even pay their kids schools fees but same parent will get money to buy clothe for funeral, the situation Mr. MacLaine says it’s worrying.

He advised that parents must always set aside some amount of their income which will purposely be used as investment in child’s education. He side by setting up fund for your ward will reduce pressure from parents in terms of finding money to cater for their ward’s education.

He thus wants parents to prioritize education of their ward than anything as he believes that is the way to build a solid future for a child.

He made this known in an interview with Nana Yaw when the school celebrated 10th Anniversary and 9th Graduation under the Theme: “10 years of Holistic Education, Epitome of Child Development”.

Delivering his speech, Mr. MacLaine noted despite numerous achievements the school has made for the past 10years, they are faced with some problems.

Firstly, our roads are in a deplorable state. We suffer a lot especially during the rainy season and in fact this situation is not helping effective teaching and learning at all.

I will therefore make another passionate appeal to the president, the MP, Municipal Assembly, old students, parents and all stakeholders to come to our aid.

Secondly, parents still are reluctant in payments of their wards fees; in fact this academic year has seen its worst in terms of fees payment.

Mr. Chairman, I will like to seize this opportunity to appeal and urge parents to prioritize the education of their children by providing them with adequate learning materials to help them in their academic pursuit.

Speaking at the same event, an Educationist who is Administrator of Oriens Complex Schools, Mr. Prince Kamamentie is of the view that using the cane on a child will rather worsen the situation where the child can go wayward.

Many people are of the view that the abolishment of corporal punishment in Ghanaian Schools is the result of increase of indiscipline acts in our schools and thus calling for the reinstatement of corporal punishment to help shape our pupils well.

He says if counselling is been conducted on students who go contrary to the rules and regulations of the Schools, it will help change from the state of indiscipline to a better person.

According to Mr. Prince, Students must be counselled whenever they go wrong instead of caning.

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