Obaatanpa Radio Online

Oxford Street: Nigerian Ashawo gang tackle GH Man after he refused to pay after enjoying ashawo service

Oxford Street

A Ghanaian Man has found himself in a deep mess after he visited a Nigerian Ashawo joint at Oxford Street to enjoy the services of the night workers but refused to pay.

Apparently, the man hired one of them for short and ‘knacked’ her till she couldn’t contain the manhood and after the whole sexual experience failed to pay the night worker.

After a short argument in the room, the guy decided to leave the room but the Ashawo was fast to call for reinforcement from fellow ‘AshawoRians’ who also responded.

These Nigerian ladies who don’t joke with their money pounced on the man and taught him a bitter lesson disgracing him on the busy streets of Oxford.

As seen from the video that captured the moments of the incident saw about 10 ladies attacked the man on behalf of their ‘Sister in the Ashawo’ business to settle her.


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