Obaatanpa Radio Online

Parents sue their son for failing to give them grandkids after being married for 6 years, demand $650,000

A man has been hauled before court by his parents for failing to give them grandchildren despite being married for six years.

The parents, Sanjeev and Sadhana Prasad sued their son on the premise they have spent fortunes in raising him and throughout his education yet he has failed to reciprocate their gesture by giving them a grandchild(ren)

The Times of India reports that in a suit filed last week, the couple is demanding the sum of $650,000 from their son and his wife or alternatively, the couple should them a grandchild in the space of a year.

In a petition submitted in court, the couple said; “My son has been married for six years but they are still not planning a baby. At least if we have a grandchild to spend time with, our pain will become bearable”.

It also became apparent that it is the older couple actually sponsored their son’s wedding and honeymoon abroad in an expensive hotel.

Arvind Kumar, Counsel to the parent’s said the filed petition will be heard in an Indian court on May 17.

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