Obaatanpa Radio Online

People should pray for their MPs to die in order to merit development – NDC’s Kojo Danquah

Kojo Danquah, a communication team member of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), has suggested that members residing in constituencies with New Patriotic Party (NPP) Members of Parliament (MPs) should pray for their deaths.

Kojo Danquah argued that such unfortunate events would allegedly pave the way for much-needed development projects in their respective communities.

Citing the recent by-election in Kumawu as an example, Danquah claimed that the NPP in their bid to secure votes for their party’s candidate, initiated road construction and development projects following the passing of the incumbent NPP MP for Kumawu, Philip Atta Basoah.

Speaking in an interview with TVXYZ on May 23, 2023, he contended that had the MP not passed away, the constituency would have been neglected in terms of infrastructural development.

“I saw them bringing a grader to clear the road for construction, so I asked myself that if the MP should not have died, the road wouldn’t have been constructed. Then it clicked to me that anybody whose MP is an NPP member should pray to God to kill the person. Yes, because if God doesn’t kill them, they won’t get any development in their constituency …because if you come to my constituency…the roads are bad…but we will sit down till an MP dies before, and the Minister of Roads will come and tell us that the roads were not fixed because of the death of Basoah, so why did they construct those roads? They should give us a break,” he said.

He further questioned why such projects were not undertaken while the representative was alive, rather than exploiting his death as a catalyst for progress.

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