Obaatanpa Radio Online

Police Woman Crashed To Death At Checkpoint By Speeding Vehicle

A 29 years old Police Constable Comfort Febiri has been crashed to death whilst on duty at a Police checkpoint. The remains of the deceased has since been deposited at the police hospital morgue.

The unfortunate incident occurred at a Police snap checkpoint at Gomoa Potsin on the Kasoa-Winneba Highway around 2am on Tuesday night.

Obaatanpa News’s sources say, a speeding driver of a Toyota van with registration number GS 5746- 20 loaded with plastic cones, whilst approaching the barrier from the Kasoa section, failed to stop even though he was signaled to do so by the police at the checkpoint and eventually crashed the mounted barricade against the police woman.

The accident resulted to a severe damage of the skull of the victim resulting to an instant death.

Francis Yeboah is husband of the deceased who has since been left in a hysterical mood when the news was broke to him, has described his wife’s death as terrible.

According to him they got married in September last year and could never envisage losing his wife in such a tragic manner.

Meanwhile the police administration has sent a delegation from the national headquarters to visit the husband, the accident scene and the Dominase police station where the deceased was officially stationed until her demise.

COP Nathan Kofi Boakye, leader of the delegation announced that, the police administration shall cater for the funeral cost of the deceased. He said, a delegation has been sent to the Jinijini hometown of the deceased in the Bono region to have her family officially informed.

He asked the husband and neighbors to take solace in the Lord.

Meanwhile, a team of psychologists have been assigned to the husband as well as colleague officers of the deceased.

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