Obaatanpa Radio Online

Punish Sammy Gyamfi – FOB Appeals

The central region wing of Friends of Bagbin (FOB) have called on the leadership of the National Democratic Congress ( NDC ) to call Mr. Sammy Gyamfi to order and to sanction him for his unpleasant words against certain high ranked executives of the party.
In a press conference held at Swedru yesterday, the leadership of the NDC aligned pressure group echoed that, punishing Mr. Gyamfi will deter others from repeating anything of the sort.
According to them, he should be relieved of his position as the communication head of the party if the need be.

This appeal came on the back of his post on social media after some appointees of President Nana Akuffo Addo received majority in votes to confirm their success in the vetting hence approval of their appointment as ministers of state.

Mr. Gyamfi is of the view that appointees for the Ministry of Fisheries and Aquaculture and that of information would have been disqualified if some NDC members didn’t vote for them.

As a result, he took to his Facebook wall and posted ” The NDC feel betrayed by Rt. Hon. Speaker Hon. Alban S. K. Bagbin and the two leaders, Hon. Haruna Iddrisu and Hon. Muntaka Mubarak”.

The leaders of FOB, Madam Adjoa Kumi and Mr. Kofi Amoh who represented the group at the press conference emphasized that some members such as Hon. Bagbin and Hon Iddrisu have paid their dues and must be accorded maximum respect and that Mr. Sammy Gyamfi should be made to retract his words, apologize and also be sanctioned to maintain discipline in the party.

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