Obaatanpa Radio Online

Reconsider your blind loyalty – Dzifa Gunu slams NPP foot soldiers for defending corrupt appointees

National Democratic Congress (NDC) Constituency Secretary for Dadekotopon, Dzifa Gunu, has taken a strong stance against the New Patriotic Party (NPP), criticizing their unwavering defence of alleged corrupt appointees and government officials.

In a Facebook post, Dzifa Gunu called on NPP foot soldiers to reconsider their blind loyalty and prioritize their own welfare.

Addressing the NPP foot soldiers, Gunu acknowledged their fervent efforts in defending their party and government in the face of corruption allegations.

However, he pointed out that behind the facade of loyalty, many foot soldiers are facing significant hardships and struggles.

“Some of you are struggling to pay your school fees, some of you have gotten admission to go do further studies abroad but you don’t have anyone to help you take up the offer. Some of you owe rent and sneak in and out of your homes just to escape from your landlords,” Gunu wrote on his wall

Despite their loyalty, Gunu claimed that many appointees and government officials have amassed substantial wealth but show little concern for the plight of their supporters.

“They have amassed so much wealth but yet they don’t care about you, and yet you are defending them (enough of the donkey job). Wise up, stop defending those who have stolen our monies and have refused to help you,” Gunu urged.

Below is his post

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