Obaatanpa Radio Online

Samini has admitted he messed up, apologizes to Legon Security man he disgraced

Dancehall artiste, Samini has now apologized to the Legion security guard with his head bowed in shame after his attempt to ridicule and shame the young man on Social media failed.

The musician shared a video on his Twitter account yesterday, disgracing a young security guard at the University of Ghana campus who had refused him entry into the campus because he wasn’t carrying his entry pass on him.

Samini who must have been shocked that the security man couldn’t care less about his celebrity status by allowing him entry although he didn’t have his security pass on him, decided to record the incident, and denigrated the young man and after shared the video on Twitter in hopes that, his fans would roast him.

It turns out, things didn’t go as he had imagined as he rather met serious backlash from his own fans, who told him that, he was wrong and that the security man was just doing his job.

This morning the “Linda” hitmaker has swallowed the bitter pill after realizing he ‘fxcked up’ and has apologized for sharing the distasteful video and embarrassing the security man.

He tweeted; “After my post about the incident at the security gate I’ve realized majority of you advised that I should have done the right thing.Nothing makes my case right regardless of how many cards I have and how upset I got .#nocardnoentry Apologies to the young man doing his job.”


We always complain that the system is not working but when the system decides to work, we are the very ones that get offended when we are the ones the very system we want to work goes against us—How do we grow this country with such attitudes?

Anyways it’s a good thing Samini has apologized. He’s shown that he’s a mature guy.

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