Obaatanpa Radio Online

Shama: Chiefs join drivers to demonstrate over poor roads

Passengers in Shama in the Western Region were left stranded Monday morning as the Ghana Road Transport Union parked their vehicles to demonstrate the poor nature of roads in the constituency.

Traditional authorities who are unhappy with the state of affairs in the district also joined the drivers to demonstrate.

Connect FM’s Paa Kojo Peters reported that workers, students, and other commuters were stranded as a result of the demonstration.

He added that the demonstrators prevented all vehicles from moving to any part of the district, bringing the local economy to a halt.

Acting Queen mother of the Shama Traditional Council Nana Akosua Gyamfiaba indicated that all their pleas for authorities to come to their aid have yielded no positive result.

According to her, they had a discussion with the Roads Minister, Kwesi Amoako-Atta, about the way forward but nothing positive came out of it.

She adds that the Minister told them there is nothing they can do if the roads are not fixed.

“The Roads Minister called and told us that if we demonstrate and the roads are not done, there is nothing we can do. We have informed the Western Region Minister, DCE, and all others about our problems but nobody is taking any action so we have decided to register our anger through demonstration. Nothing is happening in Shama under this government,” she indicated.

Shama District Chairman of GPRTU John Amoh added that his drivers have been suffering on all the roads in the district.

He adds that they will continue to demonstrate until their grievances are met.

“All our roads are very bad. The government has been deceiving us to the extent that there is no single town in Shama with proper asphalt.

“We are all Ghanaians but it appears this government has abandoned us. They promised to construct a district hospital for us, the president came to cut sod for the project but as I speak not even a block has been laid. We will continue to demonstrate until our grievances are heard,” he indicated.

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