Obaatanpa Radio Online

Stop pursuing your private interests in Nmai-Dzorn lands – Okpelor Sowah Dzin family warns govt officials

Okpelor Sowah Dzin

The Okpelor Dzin Sowah family, owners of some 1,793.231 acres of land designated at Nmai-Dzorn in the Greater Accra Region, has sent a word of caution to some government officials pursuing their private interests in their lands under the guise of maintaining security.

In a press statement signed by David K. Ametefe, lawyer for the Okpelor Sowah Din Family of Teshie and Nmai-Dzorn, the family gave a historical background of the land in question noting that it has owned the land for over two centuries and has had its ownership affirmed by various court rulings over the years.

According to the family, there is an impression being created that the Nmai-Dzorn land forms part of a litigation between two real estate companies namely Empire Builders and Trasacco Estates Development Company Limited and Topkin Company.

The family noted that some government officials under the guise of maintaining security in the litigation between the two companies are pursuing their private interests in the Nmai-Dzorn land and have thus warned that it will fight any such attempts and interests with the full extent of the law.

“The attempt by persons known as Empire Builders and Trasacco Estates Development Company Limited on one hand and Topkin Company on the other hand to create the impression that their issues have anything to do with Nmai-Dzorn in wholly a subterfuge, ruse and diversionary. The same caution must be extended to the people of Nungua, whether acting jointly or severally. Nmai-Dzorn is Teshie and NOT Nungua and the said persons should not by any creative moves draw Nmai-Dzorn into their non-existent problem.

“The Okpelor Sowah Din Family wishes to further put on record that they are aware of the subtle moves being made by other personalities and public officials under the colour office using institutions of state namely the Regional Security Council (REGSEC), police and other security personal to create the semblance of some state of insecurity at Nmai-Dzorn, thereby declaring the place as a “Security Zone”. By this contrivance, the said public officials have disguised their obvious interest in Nmai-Dzorn land under the pretext of maintaining security thereby deploying state security who patrol the land day-and-night with the sole aim of scaring away the land owners, their family members, grantees and potential investors.

“The obvious beneficiaries of the security deployment on the land are those public officials and their proxies, including the named real estate companies who think they can use extra judicial methods to annex a private land rather than having the courage or courtesy to approach the legitimate land owners if they need land. That rule of strong men as a state of nature can only succeed where rule of law is absent, but clearly, not in our Republic with a constitution and laws,” the family said.

Read the full statement by the Okpelor Sowah Din family below:


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