Obaatanpa Radio Online

Sunyani Police arrest Young man for killing children including his brother and kept in a Fridge

Human parts and murderer

A young man identified as Richard Gyamfi has been arrested at Alaska Junction in Sunyani for kɨlling many children including his younger brother and kept them in a fridge.

The latest of his victims happens to be his own young brother.

The kid was reported missing by his mother and some folks in the community said they last saw him with Richard Gyamfi.

When Richard Gyamfi was asked, he confirmed that he was with him but the kid told him he was going to his mother’s house.

The mother and the area guys went to the police station to report the boy as missing and returned to continue with their search.

As they continued with their search, the mother said her instinct told her that the elder son, Richard Gyamfi knew the whereabouts of her younger son.

So the area boys took the search to where Richard Gyamfi lives and search the buildings there except one which he told them no one lives in because the last tenant has evacuated.

This didn’t stop them from staying in the house to continue with the search.

One of the area boys went behind the very building Richard Gyamfi told them the occupant had evacuated only to hear the sound of a functioning refrigerator.

He peeped through the window, only to see the missing boy on the floor

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