Fella Makafui, a popular social media influencer and actress, has produced a new movie titled ‘Resonance: A Symphony of Death.’ The movie revolves around the...
Richard, a man identified as Fella Makafui’s elder brother, has taken to social media to counter some earlier allegations made by Medikal. Asserting that their...
Award-winning Ghanaian actress, Fella Makafui, is widely celebrated for her contributions to the industry through her modeling and acting talents. She first gained prominence with...
Actress and entrepreneur Fella Makafui has allegedly been detained over concerns over the sale of medical products that are unapproved by the Food and Drugs...
Ghanaians have lambasted Fella Makafui following some exposé by her ex-husband, Medikal about how she underwent surgical procedures for a curvier body. Medikal in series...
Ghanaian actress and entrepreneur, Fella Makafui has reacted to the allegations by her ex-husband Medikal. The former lovers recently disclosed that they are divorced and...
Ghanaian actress, Influencer and Entrepreneur, Fella Makafui has disclosed why she is keeping some of the businesses she owns out of the public eye. Speaking...
Ghanaian actress and producer Fella Makafui has shed light on the financial hurdles of film production in Ghana. Makafui, who is currently promoting her upcoming...
Actress Fella Makafui and Medikal’s marriage has hit the rocks. The two individuals have split and are now co-parenting. While Medikal is bold enough to...
Ghanaian actress Fella Makafui displayed a composed demeanor when questioned about her ex-husband Medikal‘s upcoming O2 London concert scheduled for May 3rd. Maintaining a calm...