Obaatanpa Radio Online

UG condemns assault on alleged gay, promises to sanction offenders

University of Ghana

The University of Ghana (UG) has expressed strong condemnation for the assault on a young man suspected to be homosexual at its Legon campus.

In a video circulating on social media, the young man was stripped naked and physically assaulted.

In an official statement released by the University on Tuesday, January 16, UG’s management affirmed its unwavering commitment to the safety and well-being of all individuals within its community.

“The University of Ghana strongly denounces the assault and denigration perpetrated by the prospects seen in the videos posted on social media, and strongly condemns such acts of lawlessness. The University of Ghana would like to affirm its commitment to the safety, dignity and inclusivity of all persons.”

“Management takes its commitment to the enforcement of the rules and regulations governing the university seriously and any member of the university community identified to be involved in this cruel incident will be appropriately sanctioned,” it stated.

It assured the public that it would continue to work with the police for a thorough investigation into the matter and to ensure the safety of all members of the university community as well as visitors to its campuses.


Meanwhile, Africa Education Watch (Eduwatch), an education-focused think tank has condemned the assault.

Eduwatch in a statement issued on Tuesday, January 16 said it “condemns in no uncertain terms this criminal, inhuman and degrading act which violates the individual’s right to dignity and freedom from inhuman and degrading treatment, as enshrined in Article 15 of the 1992 Constitution.”

“Eduwatch wishes to remind all and sundry that, Ghana is a country governed by Laws which abhors instant injustice.”

It called on the Vice Chancellor of UG and the Ghana Police Service to initiate rapid investigations into the act, bring the perpetrators to justice, identify the victim and provide the necessary health support.

“We call for increased security on our tertiary campuses to ensure the safety of human lives,” it added.

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