Obaatanpa Radio Online

Update on alleged breakup of royal ‘Adinkra Pie’ wedding: Families reportedly meet at drink returning ceremony held in Manyhia Palace

There’s a fresh development to our earlier report on the royal wedding between Anita Sefa Boakye and Barima Osei Mensah which has allegedly ended in tatters.

The blogger who first furnished us with the juicy information which was rehashed by www.Ghbase.com and instantly went viral originally said Anita has sent back her husband’s drinks to the palace, seeking a divorce from their marriage.

However, his fresh update from another blogger Aba The Great confirms that indeed there’s fire on the mountain of the marriage which was contracted just 9 months ago but then, said Anita is yet to send back her husband’s drink.

She said elders of the palace and elders from both families have already sat down to dissolve the marriage.

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