Obaatanpa Radio Online

Use legal means to remove BoG Governor, picketing won’t help – NPP MP to Minority

BoG Governor

The Member of Parliament for Dormaa East, Paul Twum Barimah, has strongly criticized plans by the Minority caucus to picket at the Bank of Ghana in demand for the resignation of the Governor and his deputies.

The NDC lawmakers on Tuesday issued a 21-day ultimatum to the management of the central bank to resign over allegations of mismanagement of the institution, or the group would mass up at the premises of the bank to compel them to step aside.

The MP for Dormaa East, Paul Twum Barimah, said the Minority must use legal means in their demand for the removal of the Bank of Ghana Governor and his deputies.

“It is about time we considered the national interest. If you think somebody has committed a crime or has broken the law, is it about picketing or using the laws? The Bank of Ghana Act clearly states how we can remove a governor, so why aren’t we using that procedure?” he asked.

“The Minority also has members on the Financial Committee of Parliament, and they can haul the governor of the bank before Parliament to answer questions. So why do we have to go and picket? Will the picketing bring back the law that has been broken?” he added.

“We need to put our country first and let us move away from this politics of picketing for everybody to see. You don’t need to try to use politics at all times because it will not help us as a country.

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