Obaatanpa Radio Online

Video of boy studying under Accra streetlights goes viral as tweeps pledge support

A boy sitting by the roadside somewhere in Accra with his books displayed on a lawn behind a wall close to a drain.

The boy, who confirms he is in class five is there in the evening because he needs lights to copy his notes before school the following day.

When Twitter user with the handle @teikoszn was driving by, his curiosity piqued and he decided to engage the boy, who confirmed that he lived nearby but because of the unavailability of electricity at home, he is there under the streetlights to study.

Below is the exchange he had with @teikoszn

Teiko: Who do you live with, how are you?

Boy: Please I am fine.

Teiko: So, why do you study here?

Boy: Please don’t have light

Teiko: Is it light off or you don’t have light at all?

Boy: At all.

Teiko: So every night you learn like this, everyday?

Boy: Please yes.

Teiko: So what are you doing now?

Boy: I am copying my notes

Teiko: Which class?

Boy: Class 5

Teiko: So who do you live with here?

Boy: My mother and my father.

Teiko: So they know you are learning here?

Boy: Yes please

Teiko: Learn hard, never give up in life.

Click to watch the video of Abraham’s interaction with @Teikoszn

GhanaWeb’s child protection policy means we cannot directly embed the video

Since the video was posted on Twitter, a lot of tweeps have expressed solidarity with the boy and a number of them have pledged to support the family to ease the struggle Abraham goes through to study.

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