A porta potty is a mobile toilet in which people discard all kinds of wastes from their bodies into. Pee, poop, vomits and all others.
Porta potty in sex is a concept where men, especially Arabs, invite ladies over and dump all kinds of body wastes on them in exchange for money. It doesn’t end there.
They also make them have sex with animals such as dogs, all for a price. These women are therefore called porta potties.
Usually, these rich Arab men pay up to $30,000 weekly to these women when they complete their “tasks” and cooperate.
The money, quite tempting, is paid in instalments. For example, before getting on a yacht with them, they could wire up to $10,000 into your account for certain upkeeps.
That is in Nigerian money. Then they proceed to pay the rest after pooping, peeing and doing all kinds of fetishes on you.
According to Ruthy, a highly-opinionated social critic has given an extensive account of Dubai especially the adventures of the Porta Potty ladies.
In the video below, she detailed how some Ghanaian and Nigerian money conscious ladies have sex with tamed lions that belong to some of these Arabs in Dubai.