Obaatanpa Radio Online

Voter registration: ‘We’ve nothing to hide’ – EC says releasing BVR serial numbers dangerous

Electoral Commission

The Electoral Commission (EC) says it can not release the serial numbers of the biometric verification devices (BVRs) being used for the ongoing limited registration exercise as requested by the main opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC).

The NDC made the demand following two days of technical glitches that bedevilled the registration process, a situation that compelled the EC to order a manual instead of a digitalised process.

In a statement, the EC said: “Releasing these serial numbers to any external parties, including political entities, poses a substantial risk to the security and integrity of our registration processes.”

“That is why this has never been done since the biometric voting system was introduced in Ghana,” the elections management body explained.

“The Electoral Commission has nothing to hide,” the statement added.

The Commission said: “It is important to note that the demand for serial numbers of BVRs, if granted, could pose major risks to the security and integrity of our electoral system and operations.”

“Prevention of such risks by declining this request far outweighs any concerns and interests of individual stakeholders”, the Commission noted.


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