Obaatanpa Radio Online

Woman changes the life of a little girl who told her she wants to do sakawa (yahoo) when she grows up

A woman identified as Seyi Oluyole acted swiftly and changed the bearing of a little girl, Ruth, who naively told her she wants to get involved in internet scamming when she grows up.

Her innocent statement which was premised on the poverty that surrounded her made Seyi act immediately and enrolled her in school after meeting her mother

She then went to see Ruth’s mother, a hawker, who disclosed that her daughter had to drop out of school because of financial difficulties.

Ruth recently clocked 10 years and her benefactor celebrated her in style on Twitter by sharing the story of their relationship.

She wrote:
“Ruth is 10 today Guys!

First time we met in 2019, she told me ‘I want to be a yahoo girl when I grow up.’
Her words broke me. She wanted to be more – and in her environs, more meant ‘FRAUD’
I knew then and there, that I had a BIG role to play in her life.
First step – I asked her to take me to her mum. She took me to a petite woman who sold Ugwu by the road side.
Their resemblance was striking.

Her mum told me how Ruth had to stop school due to their money struggles.
I told the mother we’d enroll her back in school …
In the first few weeks of school, she picked up really fast but gradually her good scores started to drop. She was crying a lot.
After much probing, we learnt that she was witnessing a lot of domestic abuse between her parents and this made her sad.
Myself and the team had a meeting with her mum, who agreed that there were fights in the house.
Her mum asked if we could take Ruth in so she could have a safe and healthy space to grow up in.
We agreed and By the end of that school term – Ruth’s grade picked up

It was a dark day- and even as I tweet this, I remember her so well.
The will in her eyes every time she visited. How she’d get upset with Ruth if there were any negative reports. And then hug her right after scolding her.
How were we to break this news to this face ?
Anywho, no sad stories today. We are celebrating our ball of sunshine who has a gift for everyone.
Sometimes cries for no reason but loves us all.
Make me the most beautiful things with papers.
So Happy Birthday Ruth. Here is to many many more years!

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