Obaatanpa Radio Online

Woman jailed 10 years for mistakenly sending nude photos to female boss

A Kenyan woman has been sentenced to 10 years imprisonment for accidentally sending nude photos of herself to her female boss.

Mercy Chepchumba, a mother of one, was working as a domestic worker when she mistakenly shared explicit photos with her boss.

In a bid to avoid her boss mistakenly seeing her nude photos and videos in the future, Chepchumba decided to block her on the platform through which she sent the obscene material.

But her employer became angrier and reported the matter to the police, leading to her arrest and prosecution.

“I had just joined this group of send pictures of yourself, and somehow I sent my boss, who had previously employed me in her house as a house girl, such an obscene photo of myself. She was so furious, and I also apologised as much as I could,” the lady recalled.

“Police came for me in Kayole after they managed to track me down. I have learnt so many things while here, and if I were to regain my freedom, I would never do it again. I didn’t know sending such photos could land me in trouble with the law,” the prisoner said.

According to the lady who has served 8 months in prison, she has learnt her lessons and if granted freedom, she will not engage in the act that landed her on the wrong side of the law.

Chepchumba is planning to file an appeal against her imprisonment, adding that she was ignorant, but has now learnt her lessons.

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