Obaatanpa Radio Online

Gov’t Set Up Ultramodern Forensic Lab To Detect Fraudsters

Ultramodern Forensic Lab

The minister for Interior Hon. Ambros Dery has revealed that, government and the police administration in support of UNICEF has set up an ultramodern digital forensics laboratory at the cybercrime unit of the C.I.D to detect fraudsters in the country.

In his answer to a parliamentary question filed by Hon. Comfort Doyoe Cudjoe ,who want to know measures put in place to address complaints filed in relation to cybercrime and impersonation of MP’s and Ministers on social media platforms leading to the defrauding of unsuspecting people.

Mr. Ambros Dery indicated that, the setting up of forensic lab will enable the police to deal effectively with emerging incidence of cyber fraud using name and identities of high- profile personalities to defraud unsuspecting victims including the use of Mobile Money payment system.

He emphatically stated that over two thousand (2000) Facebook account has been taken off last three years and several arrests suspect have made and prosecuted. He therefore advice the general public and MPs, Ministers to report to cybercrime unit of the CID unit on any impersonation of their social media handle for immediate action.

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