Obaatanpa Radio Online

Do the work and stop the blame game —DCE blasts NDC MP.

Gomoa East DCE

The District Chief Executive(DCE) for Gomoa East, Mr Solomon Darko Quarm has descended heavily on the NDC Member of Parliament for the area, Mr  Desmond Degraft- Paitoo over ill comments the MP has been making about the DCE and the former Member of Parliament, Mr Kojo Asemanyi

The DCE asserted that Mr Desmond Degraft-Paitoo is all over the place peddling falsehood that the former MP is carrying himself as the MP by commissioning projects that he(Desmond Degraft-Paitoo) was supposed to commission

It is in this vein that the DCE has admonished the MP to stop the blame game and deliver the promise he gave to the people of Gomoa East during the 2020 electioneering campaign.

In a related development, the supporters of the National Democratic Congress in the constituency held a press conference yesterday at Gomoa Akoti; singing the same song as their MP and making unfounded allegations against the DCE for backing Kojo Asemanyi to pose himself as the MP for the area.

The DCE in response to allegations levelled against him and the former MP by the NDC supporters said, all the allegations are empty and baseless because all the projects that they were commissioning are projects which were started during the time of Mr Kojo Asemanyi as the MP for the area, therefore, since he started them, he deemed it right to invite the former MP when commissioning is taking place

He, therefore, charged their current MP Desmond Paitoo to come out with his initiative in solving the problem of the constituency as he promised the people because the constituency needs infrastructure development

Adding his voice, the Communication Officer for the New Patriotic Party in the constituency, Mr Joshua Narh outlined some ongoing projects which were started by the former MP

Mr Joshua Narh added that the incumbent MP is afraid of losing the seat to Kojo Asemanyi in the next election that is why he is murmuring and playing political gimmick.

He asked the incumbent MP to find something better to do than to tarnish the image of the former MP and making unnecessary allegations

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