Obaatanpa Radio Online

Hon Hawa Koomson Commissions A 12 Unit Ultra Modern Classroom Block In Her Constituency

Hon. Mavis Hawa Koomson, the MP for Awutu Senya East Constituency and concurrent Minister for Fisheries and Aquaculture, has commissioned a 12-unit classroom block for a Methodist elementary school in her district.

The Mp stated that providing a safe and supportive environment for pupils in her constituency is one of her major priorities during the commissioning. The headmaster’s office and the staff common room are among the finely completed furnishings in the classroom.

In order to lessen the pressure kids experience, Hon Hawa Koomson said, there are more projects happening in the several schools in Awutu Senya East.

However, she urged the education directorate, instructors, and students to adopt a maintenance-friendly attitude in order to support the building’s upkeep.

Awutu Senya East Municipality is fortunate to have a member of parliament who is highly helpful when it comes to education, according to Hon. Anita Obo Love Amissah, who was quoted by Obaatanpa New’s Mireku Nyampong.

She claims that the Municipal assembly, working with the education directorate, would periodically check on how this facility is being used to help keep it in good condition.

Finally, Madam Faustina Alimatu Braima, director of Awutu Senya East Municipal Education, thanked the MP for her support of Kasoa’s educational sector. She claims that the 12-unit classroom block will aid in easing infrastructure-related difficulties.

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