Obaatanpa Radio Online

HOPE wishes Ghanaians happy Independence

HOPE Campaign

The new leadership of the HOPE Campaign, Kasoa Chapter extends its warm felicitations to its patrons, its entire membership, and the larger Ghanaian community on the occasion of the country’s 64th Independence day celebration.

Every year on the 6th of March, the country celebrates the day it attained self-rule from our colonial masters. In honour of the efforts by our forefathers who toiled and fought for the independence of what we have now as a peaceful independent democratic country, the nation traditionally marks the occasion with a march past of students, security personnel and other professionals from various walks of life across the Republic.
This year’s celebration will however break the annual tradition, with the presence of the dreaded Covid-19 pandemic which only mode of transfer is by person to person contact.

It is unfortunate, but be it as it may, it is relevant that we protect our lives from the pandemic in order to live long enough to preserve our heritage.

Naturally, an occasion like this brings a lot of happiness and celebration, but whiles we have a cause to celebrate, we should be mindful of the still existence of the Coronavirus, and avoid person to person contact as much as possible. Wearing of the nose masks in public places, washing our hands regularly with soap and under running water, as well as sanitizing our hands, and staying at home when we do not have any too important reason to go out to town are the surest ways of defeating the Covid-19 pandemic.

The HOPE Campaign, Kasoa chapter
Lieutenant of HOPE, Kasoa Chapter


While I, on behalf of my Executives extend appreciation to the president of the Republic, His Excellency Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, for his swiftness in securing some of the vaccines to protect lives from the pandemic, I will urge the general public to take advantage of the president’s effort to take the vaccination.
The vaccines have been declared safe for use by leading world health research organizations, and confirmed by our trusted Food and Drugs Authority. I call on the general public to dispel rumors that the vaccines are signs of end time prophecies, or having links to any secret society. Just like any vaccination against diseases like yellow fever, the vaccines will protect us from being attacked by the coronavirus. Together, we can defeat the virus.

The future of the country depends upon its citizens, and our perseverance, dedication and commitment to our own lives will determine the future of our dear country. This we do to honour every Patriot without whom freedom would not have existed today.

May God bless our homeland Ghana, and make our nation greater, stronger and covid-free.
Happy 64th Independence, Ghana.


Enoch Kobby Kings                                                                                                                                            Lieutenant, The HOPE Camppaign                                                                                                                           Kasoa Chapter

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