Obaatanpa Radio Online

KKD ‘attacks’ Ofori-Atta again

Kwasi Kyei Darkwah

Veteran Ghanaian media personality, Kwasi Kyei Darkwah, alias KKD, lashed out at Finance Minister Ken Ofori-Atta on his role in the current Akufo-Addo government.

In an interview on Accra-based Joy News on August 24, he noted that President Akufo-Addo at his swearing-in ceremony in 2017 indicated that the government will provide fairgrounds for the private sector to thrive.

This is after he (President Akufo-Addo) had warned persons nurturing the dream of joining his government to loot the state confers to look toward the private sector to make money.

“We believe that the business of government is to govern. Ours is to set fair rules. We will provide vision and direction and shine the light down the path of our entrepreneurs,” Akufo-Addo said.

KKD reacting to the comments of the president wondered why Ken Ofori-Atta resigned from his private business on claims he is not well to join the government in his current role.

He intimated that the Finance Minister’s private business could have been making so much money from any administration which assumed the reigns of government.

The veteran broadcaster also lamented the wastage in governance pointing to the appointment of Charles Adu Boahen as Minister of State at the Finance Ministry.

“So what is fair about somebody running a business which clearly can make so much money whether in this government or the other but decides he is not well…and I’m talking about the minister for finance [Ken Ofori-Atta]…and so because he’s not well, resigns from his business but now comes to service government.

“If you are not well to run your own business where you can work in your own free time, are you well to run government business? Are you soo brilliant that there’s none other brilliant than you? And now you are there and for all the bonds…people who don’t understand bonds, it is essentially debt? So you are sitting there as a minister of finance and somebody appointed at the presidency as what [Minister of State at the Finance Ministry]…purposeless wastage,” a livid KKD said.

When told that President Akufo said he needed more hands to help him deliver on his mandate, he said “And those men, every time Ghana gets poorer, they get richer. All of a sudden a whole nation has fallen into stupor and squalor. We now cannot define conflict of interest”.

What KKD said about Ofori-Atta’s Databank

KKD expressed anger over what he says is the glaring act of thievery being perpetuated by persons in charge of the state coffers.

Speaking on GTV’s Breakfast Show programme, a livid KKD said some government officials are amassing wealth for their children, who in some years will turn around to mock the children of those whose fathers decided against stealing from the state.

“Now water is going up, electricity is going up, and some people who we have put into positions of authority are raping the country. Why, why? How much money can you spend? You are stealing for your children? And your children know you are doing this? And your children will come and tell other people’s children that their fathers did not create wealth. Because you were stealing from the people so those children whose parents were not stealing from the people will be suffering, and your foolish children will come and tell those children, ‘your father didn’t create wealth.’ No, their father did not steal money,” he said.

“What is this? And nobody wants to talk about it because if you talk about it, they will impoverish you. If nobody kills you, you will die your own natural death,” he added.

KKD had earlier alluded to a case of conflict of interest on the part of the Finance Minister, accusing him of benefiting at the state’s expense.

“I read a report yesterday that broke my heart, I saw how much Ghana owes, but I also found that apparently, the minister of finance’s company or former company is a transaction advisor to the monies that we borrow. So as Ghana gets poorer, the minister of finance’s company or former company gets richer,” he stated when he appeared as a guest on GTV’s Breakfast Show programme earlier this week

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