Obaatanpa Radio Online

Love Is Strange: A Man Killed His Ex-Wife And Himself

man killed himself

A 37-year-old man has allegedly killed his ex-wife Abena Agatha, aged 28 and killed himself at Birim North District in the Eastern Region.

Sources say, on Thursday, July 8, 2021, at about 10:00 am, the man -Yaw Asare invited his ex-wife to his room under false pretence and suddenly pulled a single barrel gun and shot the ex-wife in her chest at close range.

He also committed suicide by shooting himself to death with the same gun.

The Public Relations Officer of the Eastern Regional Police Command, DSP Ebenezer Tetteh, said they are yet to establish the reason for the man’s action

DSP Ebenezer Tetteh told the press that the Police received information on the incident at about 11:20 am and when they went to the scene, they saw the bodies of the two lying in a pool of blood with a barrel gun and spent shell conceived in the gun’s chamber was seen close to the bodies in the room.

The bodies were conveyed to Abirim government hospital where they were medically declared dead by Dr Atta Larbi Sakyi.

DSP Tetteh said the bodies were subsequently moved to Mamaso Community Hospital mortuary for preservation and autopsy.

He said the single barrel gun allegedly used to commit the act will be sent for ballistic examination as part of the investigation.

The incident happened less than 24 hours after a man allegedly stabbed his wife to death and also committed suicide by drinking poison at Breman Asikuma in the central region.

The Director-General in Charge of Special Duties at Ghana Police Service, COP Christian Tetteh Yohuno recently expressed worry over increasing uxoricide cases in the country with a call on women to swiftly report threats to the Domestic Violence and Victims Support Unit(DOVVSU).

“There is a growing phenomenon in our country in recent times where married men are brutally assaulting their wives which in some cases lead to the death of the women. This uxoricide case in the country is becoming worrisome”.

He assured that the Police have all the capabilities to stern the onslaught. The DOVVSU offices established all over the country is capable to handle all domestic abuses if a timely report is made to be probe”

“All women who are suffering any form of domestic abuse to go the nearest DOVVSU office or Police station to make a report without fear before things get out of hands”, he said

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