Obaatanpa Radio Online

NITA Is Committed To Front Digitization Drive Of The Government –NITA Director General

The Director General of the National Information Technology Agency(NITA), Mr. Richard Okyer-Fosu, hinted that his outfit is committed to championing the digitalisation drive of the government to ensure that Ghana becomes the ICT hub of Africa.

Granting an interview to the media, he indicated that his agency is particular about public key infrastructure (PKI), which governs the issuance of digitalisation certificates to protect sensitive data and provide unique digital identities for users, devices, and applications.

It is against this background that the Agency is supporting other government institutions such as the National Identification Authority(NIA) and others to realize the dream of the government as far as ICT is concerned.

Mr. Richard Okyer-Fosu highlighted the work that Smart Infraco is doing to complement the effort of NITA in delivering its mandate as an IT arm of the Ministry of Communications

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